Sunday, 6 May 2012

"...the Pelasgians...masked under the name of Albanians...

"...the Pelasgians...masked under the name of Albanians...
Besir Bajrami 
"...the Pelasgians were not absorbed by the Hellenes, but Pelasgians themselves, they have their survived and still live today, masked under the name of Albanians, and retain their customs and habits intact, 'rlls live.
...the same localities, they govern themselves as governed themselves in the antiquity the Spartans, and their language, the Albanian language, still preserves many of these Pelasgian words (Jul radicals were used in the formation of the Greek language.)
The ethnological table of the Balkan Peninsula, it is the Albanians and not the Greeks who must occupy the first place, as in the series of Indo-European languages, it's Albanian, not Greek, which must be placed to the right of Sanskrit, the mother of Indo-Euro-pean..."

Page 45
It will be easier to confirm our opinion on the origin of Albanians, since this language is kept constant in his greatest traits over the centuries until today, according to historical facts.
As already predicted the German scientist Muller, Albanian will give us the key to the solution of several problems related to linguistic and ethnographic literature Greco-Latin.
Appointed Pelaka Skype or by Albanians living in Epirus, Albania, Macedonia and Italy, Arber by Albanians in Greece, this dialect is formed from a few thousand words and monosyllables bisyllabic, roots dry and arid without prefixes or suffixes some exceptions.
Excluding neopelasgian words, Latin or Greek, Turkish, Slavic or other, the skeleton appears in its nakedness idiom hard, almost eolodorien or wind, approaching all-in-fact of dialects in the epigrams etched old, or sung by the rhapsodies and Aedes oldest Greek.

Page 49
Rhapsodies in Homer, despite all the corrections implied by the Athenians, we find many words in use among the Homeric Albanians, which argues for the antiquity of the Albanians.

Page 57
The Albanians finally mourn their dead in the Homeric way women (date, the Albanian-oAoXu xXatmoi;, oXoXi5Ço>), repeating the words izi, oïzi = black, unhappy.

Homer used this word once oizôc Curiously, the word zi, Zia returned to each moment in the archaic inscription found on Lemnos, cited by the Honourable Dr. Apostolides.

This word means in Albanian sepulchral still mourning and phrase na zia erd wind that we came into mourning.

What makes some scientists argue that the language of the inscription resembles Albanian, this relic of Pelasgian, especially as the island of Lemnos was home exclusively to the Pelasgians until the time of Miltiades, who occupied
The inclusion of the island of Lemnos has been written in language Pelasgian, the Pelasgians were not completely absorbed and they are back with their descendants, shqiptar or Albanians, as well as history and linguistic prove.
Google books - 38 pages - Snippet view
Conclusion : l'inscription de l'île de Lemnos a dû être écrite en langue pélasgienne, les Pélasges n'ayant pas été complètement absorbés et nousles retrouvons chez leurs descendants, les Albanais ou Skypetare, ainsi que l'histoire et ...
Besir Bajrami
It was the language, who knew the soldiers of Philip and Alexander, and spoke only the language of the ancient Pelasgians, the same language, which we talked in Epirus, the same language, which is called Shqip, the eagles language, and what today still speaks in Albania

Revue géographique internationale, Volumes 3-5
International Geographical Review, Volumes 3-5
Edited by Georges Renaud (Professor)- Science - 1878
Page 108

What we have said from the Epirus , also applies to the ancient Macedonians. It is historically attested, that this people, as well as the Epirus, had his own language that stands out completely from all the dialects of the Greek tongue.

They also had a completely different state constitution; they had laws, habits, customs, military organization, which had nothing in common with Greece .

Proof of this is the story. Plutarch also tells how he of the murder of Clitus by Alexander, his friend, says: "Alexander, drunk with wine and rage, rushed from his tent and cried in Macedon language of his guards and the horse."

In the view of historians was the language of Macedon, an absolutely different from the Greek idiom, and consequently Alexander could if he wanted to speak to his people not to use the Greek language, for the Macedonians would have it, because they did not know the Greek language, not can understand.

It was the language, who knew the soldiers of Philip and Alexander, and spoke only the language of the ancient Pelasgians, the same language, which we talked in Epirus, the same language, which is called Shqip, the eagles language, and what today still speaks in Albania

Google books égyptien - 1903 - No preview
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Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Vashtëmi Farm, south of Albania, 6500 years BC

Ferma e Vashtëmisë ,në jug të Shqiperise ,6500 vjet P.K
Vashtëmisë Farm, south of Albania, 6500 years BC

UC Research Reveals One of the Earliest Farming Sites in Europe

The NSF-funded research will be presented at the Society for American Archaeology annual meeting in Memphis, Tenn.

Date: 4/16/2012 12:00:00 AM
By: Dawn Fuller
Phone: (513) 556-1823
Photos By: Susan Allen

UC ingot   University of Cincinnati research is revealing early farming in a former wetlands region that was largely cut off from Western researchers until recently. The UC collaboration with the Southern Albania Neolithic Archaeological Project (SANAP) will be presented April 20 at the annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA).
UC students Kassi Bailey (yellow shirt), Michael Crusham (blue shirt), and Kathleen Forste (red shirt) at work on the excavation.
UC students Kassi Bailey (yellow shirt), Michael Crusham (blue shirt), and Kathleen Forste (red shirt) at work on the excavation.

Susan Allen, a professor in the UC Department of Anthropology who co-directs SANAP, says she and co-director Ilirjan Gjipali of the Albanian Institute of Archaeology created the project in order to address a gap not only in Albanian archaeology, but in the archaeology in Eastern Europe as a whole, by focusing attention on the initial transition to farming in the region. Allen was awarded a $191,806 (BCS- 0917960) grant from the National Science Foundation to launch the project in 2010.
“For Albania, there has been a significant gap in documenting the Early Neolithic (EN), the earliest phase of farming in the region,” explains Allen. “While several EN sites were excavated in Albania in the ‘70s and ‘80s, plant and animal remains – the keys to exploring early farming – were not recovered from the sites, and sites were not dated with the use of radiocarbon techniques,” Allen says.
“At that time (under communist leader Enver Hoxha), Albania was closed to outside collaborations and methodologies that were rapidly developing elsewhere in Europe, such as environmental archaeology and radiocarbon dating. The country began forming closer ties with the West following Hoxha’s death in 1985 and the fall of communism in 1989, paving the way for international collaborations such as SANAP, which has pushed back the chronology of the Albanian Early Neolithic and helped to reveal how early farmers interacted with the landscape.”
The findings show that Vashtëmi, located in southeastern Albania, was occupied around 6,500 cal BC, making it one of the earliest farming sites in Europe. The location of early sites such as Vashtëmi near wetland edges suggests that the earliest farmers in Europe preferentially selected such resource-rich settings to establish pioneer farming villages.
site in Albania

During this earliest phase of farming in Europe, farming was on a small scale and employed plant and animal domesticates from the Near East. At Vashtëmi, the researchers have found cereal-based agriculture including emmer, einkorn and barley; animals such as pigs, cattle and sheep or goats (the two are hard to tell apart for many bones of the skeleton); and deer, wild pig, rabbit, turtle, several species of fish and eels. What seems evident is that the earliest farmers in the region cast a wide net for food resources, rather than relying primarily on crops and domesticated animals, as is widely assumed.
Allen and Gjipali’s research team included graduate and undergraduate students from UC’s departments of anthropology and classics. SANAP is an international collaboration with researchers representing the U.S., Spain, France, Greece and Albania.
The Society for American Archaeology is an international organization that is dedicated to the research, interpretation and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. 


Earliest farming site in Europe found in Albania

The discovery of one of the oldest farming communities in Europe that used domesticated animals was reported by Susan Allen, a professor in the University of Cincinnati (UC) Department of Anthropology and Ilirjan Gjipali of the Albanian Institute of Archaeology at the UC web site on April 16, 2012. The research will be presented April 20 at the annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA).
Vashtëmi, located in southeastern Albania, is one of the earliest known Early Neolithic farming sites ever discovered in Europe and dates to 6500 B.C. Photographs of the site can be seen at the UC News web site here.
Evidence from the dig site indicates that prehistoric Albanian farmers grew emmereinkorn and barley. These earliest of farmers were also documented to have raised pigs, cattle, sheep and goats that are assumed by the researchers to have been acquired from other areas of the Near East.
The archeological evidence unearthed so far indicates the availability of other sources of food like deer, wild hogs, and fish as well as the water sources were a primary factor in the Early Neolithic Albanians choice of the area. Framing was in its infancy at the time and was not considered a primary factor in the choice of the site as a home by Early Neolithic Albanians but the wetland nature of the area actually improved the capabilities of these first European farmers.
This is the first such discovery in Albania. The discovery was the first made as a cooperative effort between scientists from Spain, France, Greece Albania, and the United States under the auspices of the Southern Albania Neolithic Archaeological Project (SANAP).

Continue reading on Earliest farming site in Europe found in Albania - National Paeleontology |

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Albanians, Greeks and selfishness to antiquity.

Shqiptarët ,grekët dhe egoizmi për lashtësinë.
Një temë shumë tërheqëse që do punë shumë autorësh .
Grekët e rinj ,sigurisht që janë kombi më i ri ,me origjinë pellazge merita e vetme e të cilit ishte krijimi i një alfabeti më përparimtar dhe më të thjeshtë nga ai pellazg .Duke hapur më shumë shkolla ,duke thjeshtëzuar alfabetin ,ellinët arritën që të tërheqin më shumë pellazgë në këto shkolla ,të cilat për hir të vërtetës duhet thënë se më në fund duhet të kishin një gjuhë të përbashkët ,të pranueshme nga shumica .
Dikur ata shqiptarët i kishin për krenari ,sepse ishin një fis i përbashkët ku roli i ellinëve ishte kryesisht  rol inteligjent .Të më falë publiku grek nëse e teproj ,por unë nuk konstatoj luftëtar të mirëfilltë te ellinët dhe pasuesit e tyre të diskutueshëm grekë ,pasi atje kemi pjesë të madhe ,ne shqiptarët ,pjesë kjo e fshehur me kujdes dhe ajo që më bën nervoz eshte se e fshehën kolektivisht (!!!)
Tërë peshën dhe burrërinë e luftës e dhanë Illirët -shqiptarët e sotëm ,në të gjitha trojet pellasge .Troja e lashtë Illire,Rakilliu (I-raki-llis)A-leksandri i madh ,Pirro..Shqiptarët ende nuk dinë se sa perandorë kishin në Romë ,por dinë se ata themeluan Perandorinë Bizantine me 6 perandorë radhazi si illirë.
Familja Mbreterore e Rumanisë,Egjyptit,44 kryeministra në Turqi ,Mustafa Qemali,për 50 vjet radhazi sunduan Greqinë ,bile dhe kryengritja e 1821 ishte nje kryengritje shqiptarësh,ku thuajse asnjë kapedan nuk ishte grek ,kryeministra arbëreshë në Itali etj,etj .


Lexojeni mirë këtë pjesë, sepse jep mënyrën se si mbulohet kultura e lashtë shqiptare prej qarqeve akademike(?) greke. Me pak fjalë pranohet se shqiptarët janë ilirë, se ilirët janë pellazgë – POR ky pranim bëhet vetëm me kushtin që grekët janë pellazgë, dhe ilirët në këtë mënyrë, duke qenë pellazgë ishin grekë. E akoma më tej, sot, shqiptarët si pasardhës të ilirëve-pellazgë (këta të fundit ishin grekë sipas studiuesve grekë modernë), duhet të jenë grekë.
Ndërkohë, burimet e antikitetit pranojnë se popullsia greke ishte tërësisht e ndryshme nga popullsia pellazge, një popullsi autoktone dhe e cilësuar si barbare, si jo-greke. Shqiptarët janë pasardhës të kësaj popullsie shume të moçme. Grekët e sotëm, grekët modernë, që të fitojnë trashëgiminë kulturore të racës pellazgjike, janë të detyruar që të vetmit trashëgimtarë pellazgjikë (shqiptarët) t’i konsiderojnë grekë. Në këtë mënyrë bëhet shkrirja mes dy racave e kulturave të ndryshme në një: raca moderne greke. Ja pse e duan “vorio-epirin”. Kjo është e padrejtë, e pavërtetë dhe ... e pacipë, për ta dhënë SHQIP...


Sa për shqiptarët që kanë ardhur në Greqi në periudhën e vonë bizantine, Paparrigopoulos vazhdon, ata janë pasardhës të ilirëve të moçëm, të cilët ishin një komb i cili ishte i lidhur me më të lashtët e grekëve (për të cilët ai me gjasa do të thotë pellazgët). Gjuha e tyre e folur, shkruan ai, është një përzierje e greqishtes më të lashtë me shumë fjalë më të vona greke, së toku me fjalë italiane e turke; për këtë arsye, ata shqiptarë që nuk ishin të detyruar më vonë nga turqit për të përqafuar Islamin, e menduan gjithmonë veten e tyre si omogeneis [anëtarë të së njëjtës racë apo komb] me grekët. [* 8]
[...] Në fakt, qysh kur shqiptarët, ashtu si grekët, ishin të konsideruar si të ishin indigjenë (autoktonë) të Ballkanit që prej antikitetit më të hershëm, ata janë konsideruar shpesh nga nacionalistët grekë si të jenë lidhja më e afërt, si racore edhe kulturore, me grekët.

in english
Albanians, Greeks and selfishness to antiquity.
A very attractive theme that will work more authors.
Young Greeks are certainly the youngest nation, Pelasgic origin only merit of whichwas to create a more progressive alphabet and simple from Pelasgian. By opening more schools, simplified alphabet, ellinët failed to attract more Pelasgiansin these schools, which for the sake of truth must be said that in the end should have a common language, accepted by most.
Albanians once they had pride, they were a tribe of the joint where the role ofintelligent role was primarily ellinëve. The Greek public forgive me if you overdo it,but I did not notice the ellinët real fighter and their followers Greek controversialbecause there have large, the Albanians, this part carefully hidden and what makes me nervous is that collectively hid (!)
All the weight of war and manhood gave Illyrian-Albanians today, in all landspellasge. Troy ancient Illyrian, Rakilliu (I-brandy-llis) A large leksandri, Pirro ..Albanians still do not know how many emperors had in Rome, but know that they founded the Byzantine Empire with 6 row as Illyrian emperors.
The Royal Family of Romania, Egypt, 44 prime ministers in Turkey, MustafaKemal, for 50 consecutive years ruled Greece, and even the 1821 uprising was a rebellion of Albanians, where there was hardly any Greek Captain,
Arbëresh prime ministers in Italy, etc., etc..
Well read this part, because it gives covered how ancient cultures of academia Albanian (?) Greek. In short it is accepted that Albanians are Illyrians, the Illyrians were Pelasgians - but this admission is made only on the condition that the Greeks were Pelasgians, Illyrians and thus, being Pelasgians were Greeks. And further still, today, the Albanians as the descendants of the Illyrians, Pelasgians (the latter were Greeks by modern Greek scholars), must be Greek.Meanwhile, the ancient sources agree that the Greek population was completely different from Pelasgic population, an indigenous population and considered as barbaric as non-Greek. Albanians are the descendants of this population of very ancient. Greeks of today, modern Greek, to gain cultural heritage Pelasgian race, are bound to only heirs Pelasgian (Albanians) to consider Greek. In this way it melt between two different races and cultures in a race modern Greek. That's why love "Northern Epirus". This is unfair, untrue and ... The cheeky, to give SHQIP ...

nga Thënie për shqiptarët më 2012-04-04 në orën 3:47.PD ·

Herodotus,historia ,Klio ,56 – 57 .

Ηροδοτος , Κλειω, 56 - 57
In greek

"Οι ερευνες του εδειξαν οτι οι Λακεδαιμονιοι ηταν δυνατοτεροι απο τους Δωριεις και οι Αθηναιοι απο τους Ιωνες.Αυτοι οι δυο,απο τους οποιους οι πρωτοι καταγονταν απο τον Πελασγο ,ενο οι αλλοι απο τους Ελληνες, ηταν οι επικρατεστεροι.Οι Ιωνες ποτε ως τωρα δεν ξεσηκωθηκαν απο τον τοπο τους ,ενω αντιθετα οι Λακεδαιμονιοι μετακινουνται συνεχεια (....)."Για τη γλώσσα των Πελασγών δεν μπορώ να μιλήσω με σιγουριά, αλλά το ότι δεν ήταν Ελληνική μπορεί να το συμπεράνει κανείς πρώτα από τη γλώσσα ενός μέρους της φυλής των Πελασγών," (....)." Αν όμως πρέπει να συμπεράνουμε απ’ αυτά, οι Πελασγοί θα μιλούν βάρβαρη γλώσσα. Αν λοιπόν όλοι οι Πελασγοί είχαν αυτή τη γλώσσα, το Αττικό έθνος, που ήταν Πελασγικό, όταν μεταβλήθηκε σε Ελληνικό, έμαθε και την Ελληνική γλώσσα"
Μεταφραση Β.ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ , Χ.ΤΣΑΚΑ,εκδοσις ΚΑΚΤΟΣ.Αθηνα,1992

Την αδυναμία, άλλωστε, των παλιών κατοίκων δείχνει πολύ καλά και το εξής: Πριν από τον τρωικό πόλεμο η Ελλάδα σαν σύνολο δεν επιχείρησε απολύτως τίποτε. Νομίζω μάλιστα πως και το ίδιο το όνομα δεν είχε δοθεί ακόμη σ’ όλη τη χώρα κι ότι πριν από τον Έλληνα του Δευκαλίωνα δεν υπήρχε καν αυτό, αλλά τα διάφορα φύλα, ιδιαίτερα οι Πελασγοί, έδιναν το όνομά τους στις περιοχές που κατοικούσαν. Από την εποχή όμως που ο Έλληνας κι οι γιοι του απόχτησαν δύναμη στη Φθιώτιδα κι οι άλλες πόλεις άρχισαν να τους ζητούν βοήθεια, όλο και πιο πολύ, εξαιτίας της επικοινωνίας αυτής, λέγονταν πια μεταξύ τους Έλληνες. πέρασε, ωστόσο, πολύς καιρός ώσπου το όνομα αυτό να επικρατήσει γενικά. Την καλύτερη απόδειξη γι’ αυτό
τη δίνει ο Όμηρος. Γιατί, αν κι έζησε πολύ αργότερα από τον τρωικό πόλεμο, πουθενά δε χρησιμοποιεί το όνομα αυτό για όλους, αλλά μονάχα για κείνους που από τη Φθιώτιδα είχαν ακολουθήσει τον Αχιλλέα, οι οποίοι ήταν κι οι πρώτοι Έλληνες. τους ονομάζει στα έπη του Δαναούς, Αργείους και Αχαιούς. Δε χρησιμοποιεί επίσης τη λέξη βάρβαροι, κι αυτό, κατά τη γνώμη μου, επειδή στην εποχή του οι Έλληνες δεν είχαν ακόμη ξεχωρίσει από τον υπόλοιπο κόσμο κι ονομαστεί μ’ ένα κοινό αντίθετο όνομα. Οπωσδήποτε, όσοι διαδοχικά ονομάστηκαν Έλληνες – αρχικά στις διάφορες πόλεις, επειδή καταλάβαιναν ο ένας τον άλλο, κι αργότερα όλοι μαζί – δεν έκαμαν, πριν από τα Τρωικά, καμιά επιχείρηση, από αδυναμία κι έλλειψη σχέσεων μεταξύ τους. Αλλά και την τρωική εκστρατεία την ανάλαβαν μόνο όταν απόχτησαν αρκετή πείρα στη θάλασσα. 

Meqenese më kanë bërë report ,grekët për këtë ,me pasojë bllokimin nga google të një shkrimi,po ju jap një burim nr 2 ,i njëjtë me të parin....Lexim të këndshëm 

Since most did report, for the Greeks, with the consequence of a block by google writing, I give you a source No. 2,3 the same as the first.Pleasant reading

                                                                 nr 2
"για τη γλώσσα των Πελασγών δεν μπορώ να μιλήσω με σιγουριά, αλλά το ότι δεν ήταν Ελληνική μπορεί να το συμπεράνει κανείς πρώτα από τη γλώσσα ενός μέρους της φυλής των Πελασγών, που ζει τώρα στην πόλη Κρότωνα* πάνω από τους Τυρρηνούς, και που κάποτε ήταν γείτονες αυτών που τώρα ονομάζονται Δωριείς (τότε που οι Πελασγοί ζούσαν στην περιοχή που ονομάζουμε σήμερα Θεσσαλιώτιδα**) δεύτερον  από τη γλώσσα των Πελασγών που έχτισαν την Πλακία και τη Σκυλάκη*** του Ελλήσποντου [...]. Αν όμως πρέπει να συμπεράνουμε απ’ αυτά, οι Πελασγοί θα μιλούν βάρβαρη γλώσσα. Αν λοιπόν όλοι οι Πελασγοί είχαν αυτή τη γλώσσα, το Αττικό έθνος, που ήταν Πελασγικό, όταν μεταβλήθηκε σε Ελληνικό, έμαθε και την Ελληνική γλώσσα [...]. Εγώ πιστεύω ότι οι Ελληνικοί λαοί μιλούσαν πάντα την ίδια γλώσσα, αλλά αποδυναμώθηκαν μετά τον χωρισμό τους από τους Πελασγούς, και, ξεκινώντας αρχικά από ένα μικρό πυρήνα, έφτασαν στους τεράστιους αριθμούς που αντιπροσωπεύουν τώρα με την ενσωμάτωση διαφόρων ξένων εθνών, ανάμεσα στα οποία ήταν και οι ίδιοι οι Πελασγοί. Δεν πιστεύω ότι οι Πελασγοί, ένας βαρβαρικός λαός, έγινε ποτέ πολυάριθμος ή ισχυρός"..........

Source No. 3

  Η ξένη προέλευση τών Ελλήνων

"για τη γλώσσα των Πελασγών δεν μπορώ να μιλήσω με σιγουριά, αλλά το ότι δεν ήταν Ελληνική μπορεί να το συμπεράνει κανείς πρώτα από τη γλώσσα ενός μέρους της φυλής των Πελασγών, που ζει τώρα στην πόλη Κρότωνα* πάνω από τους Τυρρηνούς, και που κάποτε ήταν γείτονες αυτών που τώρα ονομάζονται Δωριείς (τότε που οι Πελασγοί ζούσαν στην περιοχή που ονομάζουμε σήμερα Θεσσαλιώτιδα**) δεύτερον  από τη γλώσσα των Πελασγών που έχτισαν την Πλακία και τη Σκυλάκη*** του Ελλήσποντου [...]. Αν όμως πρέπει να συμπεράνουμε απ’ αυτά, οι Πελασγοί θα μιλούν βάρβαρη γλώσσα. Αν λοιπόν όλοι οι Πελασγοί είχαν αυτή τη γλώσσα, το Αττικό έθνος, που ήταν Πελασγικό, όταν μεταβλήθηκε σε Ελληνικό, έμαθε και την Ελληνική γλώσσα [...]. Εγώ πιστεύω ότι οι Ελληνικοί λαοί μιλούσαν πάντα την ίδια γλώσσα, αλλά αποδυναμώθηκαν μετά τον χωρισμό τους από τους Πελασγούς, και, ξεκινώντας αρχικά από ένα μικρό πυρήνα, έφτασαν στους τεράστιους αριθμούς που αντιπροσωπεύουν τώρα με την ενσωμάτωση διαφόρων ξένων εθνών, ανάμεσα στα οποία ήταν και οι ίδιοι οι Πελασγοί. Δεν πιστεύω ότι οι Πελασγοί, ένας βαρβαρικός λαός, έγινε ποτέ πολυάριθμος ή ισχυρός".
Le ti perkthejme në anglisht të tre burimet ,kjo për miqtë tanë që nuk dinë gjuhen Shqipe dhe atë Greke.

Çfarë do të konstatoni ?
Do të konstatoni "merakun" e dikujt në mënyrë që të mos duket vendi ,i cili është vizituar nga Herodoti (!!).Përse ?
Përgjigja :Që të konsideroihet si news greke ,kjo pjesë, Larisha,Larisa e vende të tjera ...sepse dorët duhen konsideruar si news grekë.
Çfarë paturpësie kolektive (!!)
in english 
Let's translate into English the three sources, that for our friends who do not know Albanian and Greek.
What will you notice?
Will find "anxiety" of someone in order to not seem the place, which is visited by Herodotus (!). Why?
Answer: Since the konsideroihet like Greek news, this part, ie Larisha, Larissa and other countries ... because the hand should be considered as Greek news.
What impudence collective (!)

Herodotus, historia, Klio, 56 - 57.
Herodotus, Clio, 56 to 57
In greek

"The research found that the Spartans were stronger by the Dorians and Athenians by the Iones.Aftoi both, from whom they descended from the Pelasgians, the matterother than the Greeks were the Ionians epikratesteroi.Oi never been there rose upfrom their homes, while the Spartans move between (....). "in the language of the Pelasgians I can not speak with certainty, but that was not Greek can be surmisedfrom the first part of a language the tribe of Pelasgi "(....)." But if we must concludefrom these, the Pelasgians will speak barbarous language. So if all the Pelasgianswere the language, the Attic nation, was Pelasgian, when turned into Greek, andtaught the Greek language "
Translation V.ANASTASOPOULOU, CH.TSAKA, KAKTOS.Athina Edition, 1992

"The language of the Pelasgians I can not speak with certainty, but that was not Greek can be surmised from the first language a part of the tribe of Pelasgi, who now lives in Croton * above the Tyrrhenian Sea, and that once these neighbors were now called Dorians (since the Pelasgians lived in the area we call today Thessaliotida **) from the second language of the Pelasgians who built the plate and the Dardanelles Strait Skylakis *** [...]. But if you must deduce from these, the Pelasgians will speak barbarous language. So if all the Pelasgians were the language, the Attic nation, was Pelasgian, when turned into Greek, and taught the Greek language [...]. I believe that Greek people always speak the same language, but weakened after their separation from the Pelasgians, and, starting initially from a small core, arrived in huge numbers now represent the integration of various foreign nations, among which were themselves Pelasgians . do not believe that the Pelasgians, a barbaric people, was never very numerous or powerful "..........source
The foreign origin of Greek"The language of the Pelasgians I can not speak with certainty, but that was not Greek can be surmised from the first language a part of the tribe of Pelasgi, who now lives in Croton * above the Tyrrhenian Sea, and that once these neighbors were now called Dorians (since the Pelasgians lived in the area we call today Thessaliotida **) from the second language of the Pelasgians who built the plate and the Dardanelles Strait Skylakis *** [...]. But if you must deduce from these, the Pelasgians will speak barbarous language. So if all the Pelasgians were the language, the Attic nation, was Pelasgian, when turned into Greek, and taught the Greek language [...]. I believe that Greek people always speak the same language, but weakened after their separation from the Pelasgians, and, starting initially from a small core, arrived in huge numbers now represent the integration of various foreign nations, among which were themselves Pelasgians . do not believe that the Pelasgians, a barbaric people, was never very numerous or powerful ".