Tuesday, 31 January 2012

“Encyclopaedia Britannica”,The walls surrounding the Akropollit , are Pelasgian

Athina dhe madje edhe muret e qytetit u ndërtuan nga Pellazgët. Arkitektura e tyre mbetet prova më e lashtë, gjurma më e hershme arkeologjike.


In Athens itself the prehistoric wall of the citadel and a plot of ground close below it were venerated in the 5th century as " Pelasgian ".
“Encyclopaedia Britannica”

There was indeed a people which dwelt for a time in Attica, and was known there by the name of Pelasgians, or Pelargians. A monument of their presence was preserved to the latest times, in the Pelasgian wall with which the citadel of Athens was fortified.
“A History of Greece”



No Acropolis, Akro-POLLI, Konstandino-polli

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

The foreign origin of Greek

In greek

  Η ξένη προέλευση τών Ελλήνων
Το ξέρετε ότι οι αρχαίοι Έλληνες ΕΙΝΑΙ ΥΠΕΡΜΑΧΟΙ ΤΗΣ ΙΔΟΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΗΣ ΘΕΩΡΙΑΣ, σε αντίθεση με Ξηροτύρηδες, Πουλιανούς, Δαυλούς και Ιχώρηδες; Ένα τμήμα τών παρακάτω είναι παρμένο από γλωσσολογικό άρθρο, στη διεύθυνση: http://www.ftou.gr/tsekourata/stuff/news_ektypwsh.asp?NewsID=112 και με την ευκαιρία θα δείτε πώς "μαγειρεύουν" οι Νεοπαγανιστές τις ιστορικές πηγές για να τις διαστρέψουν.

Σε βιβλίο του δικηγόρου Κωνσταντίνου Πλεύρη (Σκόπιμα λάθη, Αθήνα: Νέα Θέσις 1995, σελ. 165-171) παρατίθεται άρθρο του Ιωάννη Παναγιωτακόπουλου, μαθητή Λυκείου στα μέσα της δεκαετίας του '90, με το οποίο επιχειρείται η αναίρεση της ινδοευρωπαϊκής θεωρίας. Ο συντάκτης του μεταξύ άλλων παραπέμπει σε χωρίο από το πρώτο βιβλίο του Ηροδότου (1, 57-58), όπου γίνεται λόγος για τους Πελασγούς, αρχαίο φύλο που είχε εγκατασταθεί στον ελλαδικό χώρο και τελικά αφομοιώθηκε από το ισχυρότερο ελληνικό.Ο Ηρόδοτος στο κείμενό του παραθέτει τη ρητή μαρτυρία ότι οι Πελασγοί ήταν ξενόγλωσσο έθνος και εξηγεί πώς οι Έλληνες κυριάρχησαν στον ελλαδικό χώρο με αποτέλεσμα να τους απορροφήσουν. Παραθέτω στο σημείο αυτό τη νεοελληνική μετάφραση του Ηροδότειου κειμένου (Ηρόδοτος, βιβλίον πρώτον, μτφρ. φιλολογικής ομάδας Κάκτου, Αθήνα 1994, σελ. 97-99):
"για τη γλώσσα των Πελασγών δεν μπορώ να μιλήσω με σιγουριά, αλλά το ότι δεν ήταν Ελληνική μπορεί να το συμπεράνει κανείς πρώτα από τη γλώσσα ενός μέρους της φυλής των Πελασγών, που ζει τώρα στην πόλη Κρότωνα* πάνω από τους Τυρρηνούς, και που κάποτε ήταν γείτονες αυτών που τώρα ονομάζονται Δωριείς (τότε που οι Πελασγοί ζούσαν στην περιοχή που ονομάζουμε σήμερα Θεσσαλιώτιδα**) δεύτερον  από τη γλώσσα των Πελασγών που έχτισαν την Πλακία και τη Σκυλάκη*** του Ελλήσποντου [...]. Αν όμως πρέπει να συμπεράνουμε απ’ αυτά, οι Πελασγοί θα μιλούν βάρβαρη γλώσσα. Αν λοιπόν όλοι οι Πελασγοί είχαν αυτή τη γλώσσα, το Αττικό έθνος, που ήταν Πελασγικό, όταν μεταβλήθηκε σε Ελληνικό, έμαθε και την Ελληνική γλώσσα [...]. Εγώ πιστεύω ότι οι Ελληνικοί λαοί μιλούσαν πάντα την ίδια γλώσσα, αλλά αποδυναμώθηκαν μετά τον χωρισμό τους από τους Πελασγούς, και, ξεκινώντας αρχικά από ένα μικρό πυρήνα, έφτασαν στους τεράστιους αριθμούς που αντιπροσωπεύουν τώρα με την ενσωμάτωση διαφόρων ξένων εθνών, ανάμεσα στα οποία ήταν και οι ίδιοι οι Πελασγοί. Δεν πιστεύω ότι οι Πελασγοί, ένας βαρβαρικός λαός, έγινε ποτέ πολυάριθμος ή ισχυρός".
Αυτά σύμφωνα με τον Ηρόδοτο. Ο Παναγιωτακόπουλος, απεναντίας, παραπέμποντας στο συγκεκριμένο χωρίο του Ηροδότου κάνει λόγο παραπλανητικά για απλή μετονομασία των Πελασγών σε Έλληνες (Πλεύρης Κ., Σκόπιμα λάθη, Αθήνα: Νέα θέσις 1995, σελ. 166, 168) και παραφράζοντας το κείμενο του αρχαίου ιστορικού αναφέρει ότι σύμφωνα με αυτό "οι κάτοικοι της Αττικής ενώ ήσαν Πελασγοί άλλαξαν και έγιναν Έλληνες"... Ο Παναγιωτακόπουλος, όμως, επίτηδες δεν μας λέει τι ακριβώς άλλαξαν και πονηρά σκεπτόμενος αφήνει να εννοηθεί ότι σύμφωνα με τον Ηρόδοτο οι Αθηναίοι άλλαξαν απλώς ονομασία.
Ο αρχαίος ιστορικός, βεβαίως, δεν γράφει ότι οι Αθηναίοι μετονομάστηκαν απλώς σε Έλληνες, αλλά ότι έμαθαν κάποτε την ελληνική γλώσσα! Ο Παναγιωτακόπουλος, ωστόσο, παραπληροφορώντας τους αναγνώστες του δικού του κειμένου συμπεραίνει με βάση δήθεν το χωρίο του Ηροδότου ότι οι Έλληνες αποτελούν απογόνους των αρχαίων Πελασγών, οι οποίοι απλώς κάποτε μετονομάστηκαν σε Έλληνες. Τον ίδιο αβάσιμο ισχυρισμό διατυπώνει και ο φιλόλογος Απόστολος Τζαφερόπουλος (εφημερίδα "Ελληνική Αγωγή", φύλλο Ιανουαρίου 1999): "οι Πρωτοέλληνες (Πελασγοί) είναι λαός προϊστορικός και οι νεοέλληνες αποτελούν τη συνέχεια εκείνων" (στο αποκαλυπτικό αυτό άρθρο του μάλιστα ο συγκεκριμένος φιλόλογος κάνει λόγο και για την "τεράστια υπεροχή του αίματος της ελληνικής φυλής"...). Όπως φαίνεται καθαρά από τη μετάφραση και όχι την παράφραση ή την παρερμηνεία του αρχαίου κειμένου, ο Ηρόδοτος κάνει σαφή διάκριση των Πελασγών από τους Έλληνες και δηλώνει ότι οι Πελασγοί ήταν ξενόγλωσσο φύλο που κάποτε απορροφήθηκε από το κυρίαρχο ελληνικό.
Επίσης, αξίζει να παραθέσει κανείς ορισμένα χωρία από αρχαίους συγγραφείς, στα οποία αποφεύγουν συστηματικά να παραπέμψουν οι "αρχαιολάτρες", όταν αρθρογραφούν. Η αποσιώπηση των κειμένων αυτών οφείλεται σε προφανείς λόγους: το περιεχόμενό τους αναιρεί τους ισχυρισμούς των "αρχαιολατρών" περί αυτοχθόνων και αμιγών Ελλήνων, που διατυπώνουν στην προσπάθειά τους να καταρρίψουν την ινδοευρωπαϊκή θεωρία. Ο Θουκυδίδης στην αρχή του πρώτου βιβλίου του (1, 2) γράφει (Θουκυδίδης, βιβλίο πρώτο, μτφρ. Αναστασίου Γεωργοπαπαδάκου, Αθήνα: Κάκτος 1992, σελ. 23-25):
"είναι φανερό ότι η χώρα που σήμερα ονομάζεται Ελλάδα δεν είχε μόνιμους κατοίκους τα παλιά τα χρόνια, αλλά γίνονταν τότε συχνές μεταναστεύσεις κι οι διάφοροι κάτοικοι, όταν πιέζονταν κάθε φορά από άλλα πολυαριθμότερα φύλα, εγκαταλείπανε εύκολα τον τόπο τους".
Ο γεωγράφος Στράβων στο έβδομο βιβλίο του αναφέρει (Γεωγραφικά, βιβλίο έβδομο, μτφρ. Πάνου Θεοδωρίδη, Αθήνα: Κάκτος 1994, σελ. 131):
"o Eκαταίος ο Μιλήσιος λέει για την Πελοπόννησο ότι πριν από τους Έλληνες, την κατοίκησαν βάρβαροι. Και σχεδόν όλη η Ελλάδα στα αρχαία χρόνια υπήρξε κατοικία βαρβάρων, αν κάποιος λογαριάσει τις μαρτυρίες".
Διαβάζοντας κανείς διάφορα άρθρα γραμμένα από "αρχαιολάτρες" δεν θα δει την παραμικρή αναφορά σε τέτοια κείμενα, που έρχονται σε αντίθεση με τα εθνικιστικά τους πιστεύω.

*Είναι στη βορειοδυτική Θράκη. Ο Θουκιδίδης(Δ 109) μαρτυρεί την παρουσία Τυρρηνών στον Άθωνα.
**Δυτικά του Ολύμπου και της Όσσας
***Ανατολικά της Κυζίκου στην Προποντίδα
"Ελλάνικος δε ο Λέσβιος τους Τυρρηνούς φησί Πελασγούς πρότερον καλουμένους, επειδή κατώκησαν εν Ιταλία, παραλαβείν ην νυν έχουσιν προσηγορίαν. Έχει δε αυτώ εν Φορωνίδι ο λόγος ώδε: του Πελασγού του βασιλέως αυτών και Μενίππης της Πηνειού εγένετο Φράστωρ, του δε Αμύντωρ, του δε Τευταμίδης, του δε Νάνας. Επι τούτου βασιλεύοντος οι Πελασγοί υπ' Ελλήνων ανέστησαν και επί Σπινήτι ποταμώ εν τω Ιονίω κόλπω τας νήας καταλιπόντες Κρότωνα πόλιν εν μεσογείω είλον, και εντεύθεν ορμώμενοι την νυν καλεομένην Τυρσηνίην έκτισαν". (Διονύσιος Αλικαρνασσεύς, Ρωμαϊκή Αρχαιολογία,

Μετάφραση: Ο Ελλάνικος ο Μυτιληναίος λέει ότι οι Τυρρηνοί λέγονταν παλιότερα Πελασγοί, όταν όμως εγκαταστάθηκαν στην Ιταλία πήραν το τωρινό τους όνομα. Η ιστορία τους [που βρίσκεται] στην Φορωνίδα έχει ως εξής: Από τον βασιλιά τους τον Πελασγό και την Μενίππη την κόρη του Πηνειού γεννήθηκε ο Φράστωρ και από εκείνον ο Αμύντωρ, από τον Αμύντορα ο Τευταμίδης και από αυτόν ο Νάνας. Κατά τη βασιλεία του Νάνα αναγκάστηκαν από τους Έλληνες να μεταναστεύσουν* και αφού εγκατέλειψαν τα πλοία τους στον Σπινήτη ποταμό στον Ιόνιο κόλπο κυρίευσαν τον Κρότωνα, μία πόλη στην ενδοχώρα και από εκεί ξεκινώντας έκτισαν την πόλη που στις μέρες μας λέγεται Τυρσηνίη.

*ανέστησαν υπ' Ελλήνων: το ρήμα σημαίνει - μεταξύ άλλων - κάνω τους ανθρώπους να μεταναστεύσουν (βλ. Λεξικό της Αρχαίας Ελληνικής του Ιω. Σταματάκου, σελ. 120).

Οι Ελληνες ,έτσι προχωράμε εδώ και αιώνες! Με την Ενσωμάτωση! Όχι με τον Εθνικισμό! Η μεγαλύτερη ,δε, αφομοιωτική μηχανή, ήταν η Ρωμανία (δηλ το "Βυζάντιο") Ακολουθούμε , εδώ και αιώνες, αυτό που διατυπώνει ο Πλάτων στην Επινομίδα του: «ό,τι περ αν Έλληνες Βαρβάρων παραλάβωσι, κάλλιον τούτο εις τέλος απεργάζονται» [Επινομίς Χ (987 de)].


in english

The foreign origin of Greek
Did you know that the ancient Greeks is an advocate of IDOEFROPAIKIS THEORY, unlike Xirotiri, Poulianos, torches and Ichorides? A part of the following is taken from linguistics article at:
 http://www.ftou.gr/tsekourata/stuff/news_ektypwsh.asp? NewsID = 112 
and the opportunity to see how to "cook" the neo-Paganists historical sources to the pervert.

In his book Constantine lawyer Plevris (Intentional errors, Athens: New Thesis 1995, pp. 165-171) cited article by John Panagiotakopoulos, high school student in the mid-90s, which seeks to undo the Indo-European theory. The author refers to a particular passage from the first book of Herodotus (1, 57-58), which refers to the Pelasgians, an ancient tribe had settled in Greece and eventually absorbed by the strongest Greek.Herodotus in his text gives explicit testimony that the Pelasgians were a foreign language nation and explains how the Greeks prevailed in Greece leading to absorb them. Here in this modern Greek translation of the text Irodoteiou
(Herodotus, book first, translated literary group Cactus, Athens 1994, pp. 97-99):
"The language of the Pelasgians I can not speak with certainty, but that was not Greek can be surmised from the first language a part of the tribe of Pelasgi, who now lives in the city Croton * above the Tyrrhenian Sea, and once were neighbors of what is now called Dorians (since the Pelasgians lived in the area we now call Thessaliotidos **) secondly, the language of the Pelasgians who built the plate and the Skylakis *** Hellespont [...]. But if you must conclude from these, the Pelasgians will speak barbarous language. So if all the Pelasgians had this language, the Attic nation, was Pelasgian, when turned into Greek, and taught the Greek language [...]. I think that Greek people always speak the same language, but weakened after their separation from the Pelasgi, and, starting initially from a small core, arrived in huge numbers now represent the integration of various foreign nations, among which were themselves Pelasgians 
. I do not believe that the Pelasgians, a barbaric people, ever numerous or powerful. "
These, according to Herodotus. The Panagiotakopoulos Instead, referring in this passage of Herodotus speaks of misleading a simple rename to Greek Pelasgians (sides K. Intentional errors, Athens: New thesis 1995, pp. 166, 168) and paraphrasing the text of the ancient historian says according to what "the people of Athens were Pelasgians and changed and became Greek" ... The Panagiotakopoulos, but deliberately does not tell us what changed and evil thinking suggests that it, according to Herodotus, the Athenians have merely described.
The ancient historian, of course, it writes that the Athenians were renamed simply Greeks, but that once they learned the Greek language! The Panagiotakopoulos however parapliroforontas readers of his own text concludes on the basis of alleged passage of Herodotus that the Greeks are the descendants of the ancient Pelasgi, who only once renamed Greeks. The same unfounded claim and make the scholar Apostolos Tzaferopoulos (newspaper "Greek Education" sheet January 1999): "the proto (Pelasgians) are people of prehistoric and modern Greeks are the continuation of those" (in this revealing article in fact makes this particular scholar reason for the "vast preponderance of blood of the Greek race "...). As illustrated by the translation and not a paraphrase or misinterpretation of the ancient text, Herodotus clearly distinguishes the Pelasgians by the Greeks and declares that the Pelasgians were foreign-language sex once absorbed into the dominant Greek.
Also, no one deserves to host some passages from ancient writers, which avoid systematically to bring the "antiquity" when columnist. The disclosure of these documents due to obvious reasons: their content invalidates the claims of "antiquity" on indigenous and pure Greeks expressed in their attempt to overthrow the Indo-European theory. Thucydides to the top of the first book (1, 2) write (Thucydides, the first book, translated Georgopapadakou Anastassiou, Athens: Cactus 1992, pp. 23-25):
"It is obvious that the country now called Greece was not permanent residents of the old days, but were then frequent migrations and different people, when pressed each time more numerous than other tribes readily abandoning their homes."
The geographer Strabo in the seventh book of lists (Geographically, the seventh book, translated by Panos Theodoridis, Athens: Cactus 1994, p. 131):
"O Ekataios Miletus says of the Peloponnesus that before the Greeks, the barbarians lived. And almost all of Greece in ancient times was home barbarians, if someone figured testimonies."
When reading various articles written by "antiquity" will not see any reference to such texts, contrasting with the nationalist beliefs.
NOTES* It is in northwestern Thrace. The Thucydides (SB 109) indicates the presence of the Tyrrhenian Sea to Mount Athos.** West of Olympus and Ossa*** East of Cyzicus in the Propontis
"Hellanicus the Lesbian and the Tyrrhenian Pelasgians fisi formerly called because dwelt in Italy, not now have, as paralavein prosigorian. Is not that him Foronidi why ode: Pelasgos of the king and those of Penaeus Menippis Done Frastor of not Amyntor of not Teftamidis of not Nana. Commission therefore reigning Pelasgians into Greek and raised on the river that now Spiniti Ionian Gulf Tash nias katalipontes Croton city that eilon Mediterranean, and beyond the imagining now kaleomenin Tyrsiniin built. " (Dennis Alikarnassefs, Roman Archaeology,

Translation: The Hellanicus Mytilene says the Tyrrhenian Pelasgians were called earlier, but once settled in Italy took their current name. The story [which is] in Foronida is as follows: From their king Pelasgos and Menippi daughter of Penaeus born and Frastor than the Amyntor, from the Amyntora Teftamidis him and Nana. During the reign of Nana forced the Greeks to emigrate * and having abandoned their ships in the Ionian Spiniti River Croton Bay captured, a town in the hinterland and starting from there built the city today called Tyrsinii.
* Resurrected into Greek: the verb means - among others - get people to migrate (see Dictionary of Ancient Greek of John Stamatakos, p. 120).
The Greeks, so we go for centuries! With Integration! Not with nationalism! The largest, and, assimilation machine, was the Romagna (ie the "Byzantium") have, for centuries, what makes Plato Epinomida in the "what if laying Greeks Barbarians paralavosi, potassium at this end apergazontai" [ Epinomis X (987 de)].


Thursday, 19 January 2012

"The modern Greek language in its relation to ancient Greek (1870)"

"The modern Greek language in its relation to ancient Greek (1870)"
"Gjuha moderne greke dhe lidhja e saj me gjuhën e lashtë greke"
Autor: Geldart, Edmund Martin, 1844-1885

Publisher: Oxford, Clarendon Press

Do të shkoj më tej, të marr në konsideratë sa më shkurtimisht që të jetë e mundur, gjuhën shqipe në lidhje me greqishten. Mendimi i përhapur te vetë grekët se shqiptarët janë Pellazgët e lashtë, mund të jetë në fund të fundit jo shumë larg nga e vërteta. Është e sigurt se në gjuhën shqipe, pavarësisht gjendjes së saj të prishur apo të modernizuar, siç shihet në varfërinë e mbaresave të saja rasore, etj, ne pa dyshim gjejmë pikën e takimit të greqishtes dhe latinishtes. Gjuha shqipe nuk është as më shumë e as më pak moderne se gjuha greko-italike; dhe Gramatikës Krahasuese nuk do t’i bëhej shërbim më i madh, se sa me një rindërtim ideal të gjuhës së lashtë shqipe.
[faqe 128]

In English 

I will go further, consider that as briefly as possible, the Albanian language inrelation to the Greek. The widespread opinion that the Albanians are Greeksthemselves the ancient Pelasgians, may ultimately be not far from the truth. It is certain that in Albanian, despite its state of broken or upgraded, as seen in the poverty of its racist content endings, etc, we certainly find the meeting point ofGreek and Latin. The Albanian language is neither more nor less than modernGreek language, italics, and Comparative Grammar will not become a greaterservice than with a reconstruction of the ancient ideal of the Albanian language.
[page 128]

Thënie për shqiptarët



Thursday, 12 January 2012

Pelasgians invented writing and the world's first alphabet

Pellazgët shpikën shkrimin dhe alfabetin e parë në botë

Botuar nga faqa Zgjohu Shqiptar !!! Diten e martë, 27 dhjetor 2011 ora 7.19.MD

Nga Luftulla PEZA dhe Liljana PEZA (Albani Observer)
Në historinë e alfabetit si më i vjetër përmendet ai egjiptian, krijuar rreth vitit 2900 p.e.s. Nga ky më pas rrjedh alfabeti fenikas, i shekullit të 11 p.e.s., i cili kishte vetëm bashkëtingëlloret dhe ku zanoret nënkuptoheshin. Më pas nga fenikasit, shkruhet se alfabetin e morën grekët, e përmirësuan edhe me zanoret dhe prej tij rrodhi më pas alfabeti latin. Asnjë fjalë nuk thuhet mbi alfabetin pellazg, që përmendet shpesh nga autorët antikë.
Nga kërkimet tona të fundit mbi alfabetet, puna qëndron krejt ndryshe: njerëzit e parët që kanë shpikur dhe përdorur shkrimin dhe alfabetin për të shkruar gjuhën e tyre kanë qenë pellazgët dhe kjo, gjatë mijëvjeçarit të 6 p.e.s., për të cilën ka prova mjaft bindëse. Alfabet pellazg i kishte të dyja, zanoret dhe bashkëtingëlloret.
Në kulturën neolitike të Vinçës, që shtrihet në të gjithë Ballkanin gjatë mijëvjeçarit 6-5 p.e.s., janë ndeshur mbishkrime të lashta gjer tashmë të pavlerësuara nga ana gjuhësore.
Në figurat 1 dhe 2 tregohen një enë balte nga kjo kulturë me mbishkrimin e lashtë pellazg dhe një copë ene, që mban germën “M” të alfabetit. Shprehja: IIIVIJV1, e cila po të ndahet, bëhet: III VIJ V 1.

Fig. 1-Enë balte me mbishkrim në kulturën Vinça
(5500-4500 p.e.s.)

Fig. 2-Fragment tjegulle, me germën “M”

Fjala “VIJ” lexohet “UIJ”, sepse në mbishkrimet e lashta pellazge/etruske germa “V” lexohet si “U”. Prandaj kemi fjalën “UIJ” = “UJ” (UJË), në gjuhën pellazge/shqipe. Mbishkrime e lashta pellazge dhe etruske kanë afërsi shumë të madhe me gjuhës e sotme shqipe, gjë që tregon për një gjuhë pellage/shqipe. Prandaj mbishkrimi i më sipërm i përket gjuhës së lashtë pellazge.
Edhe numrat “1” dhe “III” etj. i përkasin gjithashtu gjuhës pellazge.

Edhe simbolet e tjera të gjetura në kulturën e Vinçës janë mjaft interesante dhe paraqesin lidhje të ngushta me pellazgët autoktonë, sidomos shenjat:

janë shenja-germa të alfabetit të përdorur në shkrimin e Linearit A dhe B, të cila njësohen me I, Y, Y, T, F, I, P, Z (S), N, F, Z (S), Th. Edhe shenjat e tilla si I, II, III, IIII, IIIII, IIIIII, X, XX, etj. shprehin ato shenja, që më vonë u përpunuan nga etruskët si I, II, III, IV, V, VI dhe romakët, duke marrë emrin “numrat romakë”.
Edhe shenja të tilla të kulturës së Vinçës si:

tregojnë se banorët e saj besonin tek perëndia Zeus, i cili është perëndia e pellazgëve.
Germa të tilla të ngjashme “A” dhe “M” janë ndeshur edhe në kulturën neolitike të Maliq-Kamnikut (pranë Korçës, Shqipëria lindore) dhe Cakranit (pranë Fierit, Shqipëria perëndimore), që tregon se gjatë gurvonit shkrimi ka qenë i përhapur shumë gjerë.

Fig. 4- Shtatore gruaje veshur me “Fustanellë” nga Vinça
Në kulturën e Vinçës është ndeshur edhe një shtatore gruaje veshur me fustanellë, veshjen kombëtare pellazge/shqiptare, e cila tregon lidhje tjetër të banorëve të kësaj treve me stërgjyshërit e shqiptarëve – pellazgët.
Shkrim i ngjashëm është ndeshur edhe në Tartaria të Rumanisë, rreth 120 km. në lindje të Vinçës, në një varse tjegulle, datuar e vitit 5300 p.e.s.
Në varse (fig. 5) është shkruar germa “P” dhe pranë saj shprehja “PDor” (ose Pbor), e cila në gjuhën pellazge/shqipe do të thotë “Dora” ose “bora”. Këto plaka përmbajnë mbishkrimin e famshëm, për të cilin disa specialistë kanë shprehur mendimit se këto “symbols represent the earliest known form of writing in the world”, por disa i shohin si zhgaravina.
Mbishkrime të ngjashme janë ndeshur në të gjithë Europën jugë-lindore si në Greqi (Rrasa Dispilio), por edhe në Hungari, Bullgari, Rumani, Moldavi dhe në Ukrainën jugore. Në mbishkrim e Dispilios (fig. 5), datuar 5300 p.e.s., duken mjaft të qarta germat E, F, C, V, I, L në pozicione të ndryshme, të cilat janë përdorur në alfabetet pellazg dhe etrusk.
(Fig.5 Fig.6)

Të gjitha mbishkrimet e Vinçës, Tartarias dhe Dispilios tregojnë se shkrimi me germat e alfabetit pellazgo-etrusk është përdorur qysh gjatë mijëvjeçarit të 6 p.e.s. në rajonin e Ballkanit.
Nga vjetërsia këto shkrime janë shumë më të vjetër se sa shkrimi piktografik shumer (proto-Sumerian pictographic script) nga Uruku i Bagdadit, që deri tani është konsideruar si shkrimi më i vjetër në botë, krijuar rreth vitit 3300 p.e.s. dhe alfabetit egjiptian, i datuar rreth vitit 2900 p.e.s.
G. Katapano ( 1988) flet për alfabetin më të lashtë pellazg në Egjipt nga hieroglifet egjiptiane. Ato i ka krijuar Thoti, një iliro/pellazg bazuar në gjuhën pellazge. Të gjitha hieroglifet egjiptiane shpjegohen me bazë nga germat e alfabetit pellazg. Katapanl i daton hieroglifet egjiptiane 12.000 vjet p.e.s., gjë që nuk përputhet me të dhënat arkeologjike, që i daton ato 2900-2600 p.e.s.

Alfabeti pellazg ka vazhduar edhe gjatë kohës së bronzit, ku vërtetohet me gjetjet në Trojë, Kretë, Peloponez etj. Ai shfaqet në shkrimin e Linearit A të Kretës dhe shkrimin e Linearit B të Mikenës. Shkrimi Lineari B është interpretuar gabim nga anglezët Ventris dhe Kaduik, sikur i përkasin gjuhës greke. Duke punuar me këtë shkrim kemi gjetur të shkruara fjalë pellazge, që gjejnë shpjegimin e plotë në gjuhën shqipe (Peza L. & L.): në krahun e majtë të rrasës ndodhet shprehja e artë: I Z A I Z = Z I A Z I, që donë të thotë “ZI ASHT ZI”.
Zbulimi i shprehjes I Z A I Z ← = → ZI A ZI = Zi asht Zi para dy vjetësh përbënte dokumentin më të lashtë të shkruar të gjuhës pellazge/shqipe (Peza L. & L. 2009 si e shekullit të 14 p.e.s., por sot vjetërsia e shkrimit të gjuhës pellazge/shqipe vërtetohet edhe disa mijëvjeçarë më i lashtë.

Drejtimi i leximit ←
I Z A I Z ← = → ZI A ZI = Zi asht Zi
Fig. 5- Rrasa nr. 7671, që i përket shekullit të 14 p.e.s., ku lexohet shprehja pellazge
←Fig. 7

Me rëndësi është të përmendim edhe mbishkrimin e quajtur Abecedari Marsiliana, i shekullit të 7 p.e.s., ku renditet të gjitha germat etruske/pellazge. Pellazgët dhe etruskët kanë përdorur formën bustrofedike të shkrimit, nga e djallja dhe e majta, si më poshtë (fig. 8):

I gjithë rajoni, ku ka qenë e përhapur kultura e Vinçës, Tartaria, Dispilios, Thesalisë, Cakranit, Maliqit, Kamnikut etj., pra rajoni i Ballkanit dhe i Egjeut gjatë kohës së neolitit dhe kohës së bronzit ka qenë banuar nga fiset pellazge, që përmenden në epikat e Homerit, autorët e tjerë antikë dhe që vërtetohen edhe nga gërmimet arkeologjike. Arkeologët italianë dhe amerikanë në akropolin e Athinës dhe vende tët tjera në Atikë kanë zbuluar ngjashmëri veglash dhe mjetesh me vendbanimet Sesklo dhe Dimini në Thesali, të njohura si pellazge, (Prokopiou & Smith, 1964). Po kështu prania e pellazgëve vërtetohet nga arkeologjia në malin Skourta në Boeoti (French 1989-1990), në ishullin e Lemnit në Egje (Hefner E.D. 1927), në Mikenë dhe Peloponez
(Peza L. & L. 2009) etj. Herodoti dhe autorë të tjerë antikë thonë se pellazgët autoktonë kanë banuar të gjithë rajonin e Egjeut dhe ishujt mesdhetarë, para ardhjes së grekëve rreth shekullit të 6 p.e.s.
Mbishkrimet Dipylon (i Athinës), Cumae (i Korinthit), Kupa e Nestorit, të datuara të shekujve 8-7 p.e.s. dhe që gjer më sot janë mbajtur si monumentet më të lashta shkrimore të gjuhës greke, u vërtetua se nuk kanë lidhje me këtë gjuhë. Të kësaj natyre janë edhe mbishkrimet e lashta të Kretës, të datuar fundi i shekullit të 7 fillimi i shekullit të 6 p.e.s. Në këto mbishkrime kemi zbuluam vetëm fjalë pellazge/shqipe, që dëshmon se ato janë shkruar në gjuhën pellazge. Nga ana tjetër grekët nuk përmenden as në “Iliadë” dhe “Odise” e Homerit, të përgatitura rreth viteve 750-700 p.e.s. Kështu del që fiset greke kanë ardhur në rajonin e Egjeut më vonë, në fillim të shekullit 6 p.e.s. dhe dokumentet më të vjetra greke në Lemn dhe Trojë etj. ndeshen jo para shekullit 5 p.e.s.
Zbulimi i fjalëve pellazge/shqipe “VIJ” dhe “DOR (ose bor)” në kulturën Vinça-Tartaria-Dispilio-Maliq-Cakran, mijëvjeçari i 6 p.e.s., tregon se kjo është gjuha më e lashtë e shkruar në botë me abecedarin e saj më të vjetrin në botë. Gjuha pellazge, shkrimi dhe alfabeti i saj, përbëjnë thelbin kulturor të Qytetërimi Pellazg, qytetërimi më i lashtë perëndimor, pjesë e të cilit janë Qytetërimi Minaik i Kretës, Qytetërimi i Trojës, Qytetërimi i Mikenës, Qytetërimi hitit, Qytetërimi etrusk etj. Qytetërimi Pellazg shfaqet qysh gjatë gurmesmit, rreth 12.000 vjet p.e.s.
Burimi http://zgjohushqiptar.blogspot.com/2011/12/pellazget-shpiken-shkrimin-dhe.html?showComment=1326358871351#c4380367292697002160
(First published in: Conference on the civilization of Pelasgians, Tirana, 21 to 22 October 2011, book summaries p. 1-4s)

Pelasgians invented writing and the world's first alphabet
Published by Wake Forums page! Day Tuesday, December 27, 2011 am 7.19.MD

By PEZA and Ljiljana Luftulla PEZA (Albani Observer)
In the history of the alphabet as he mentioned the old Egyptian, created around 2900 BC Then derived from the Phoenician alphabet, the 11 century BC, which had only consonants and vowels that meant. Then by fenikas, state that the Greeks took the alphabet, with vowels improved and subsequently flowed from his latin alphabet. No word on the alphabet does not say Pelasgian, often mentioned by ancient authors.
From our recent research on the alphabets, the work is quite different: the first people who invented and used the script and alphabet to write their language have been Pelasgians and that, during the 6th millennium BC, which is pretty convincing evidence. Pelasgian alphabet had both vowels and consonants.
Vinçës Neolithic culture, which extends throughout the Balkans during the 6-5 millennium BC, ancient inscriptions are encountered up to now underestimated by language.
Figures 1 and 2 show a crock of this culture with the ancient Pelasgian inscription and a piece of container, which holds the letter "M" in the alphabet. Expression: IIIVIJV1, which is shared, it becomes: V 1 III interconnect.

Fig. Earthenware 1-inscription in culture with cranes
(5500-4500 BC)

Fig. 2-tile fragment with the letter "M"

The word "come" read "UIJ" because the inscriptions of ancient Pelasgian / Etruscan letter "V" is read as "U". Therefore we have the word "UIJ" = "VJ" (water), in Pelasgian / Albanian. Inscriptions of ancient Pelasgian and Etruscan have very large near the today's Albanian language, which indicates a language pellage / Albanian. The above inscription therefore belongs to the ancient Pelasgian language.
Even the numbers "1" and "III", etc.. also belong to the Pelasgian language.

Other symbols found in the culture of Vinçës are quite interesting and provides close links with indigenous Pelasgians, especially signs:

are signs, letters of the alphabet used in writing of Linear A and B, which are equivalent to I, Y, Y, T, F, I, P, Z (S), N, F, Z (S), Th. Even signs such as I, II, III, IIII, IIIII, IIIIII, X, XX, etc.. express those signs, which later were processed by the Etruscans as I, II, III, IV, V, VI and the Romans, taking the name "Roman numbers".
Even such signs Vinçës culture as:

show that its residents believe in god Zeus, who is the god of Pelasgians.
Similar letters "A" and "M" are encountered in-Maliq Neolithic culture Kamnikut (near Korca, Albania, Eastern Europe) and Cakran (near Fier, Albania, Western), indicating that during gurvonit article has been widespread wide.

Fig. 4 - September dressed woman "Kilt" by Cranes
In Vinçës culture is also faced woman wearing a kilt monument, national dress Pelasgian / Albanian, which tells about the other inhabitants of this area with the ancestors of the Albanians - Pelasgians.
Writing is like battling in Tartarus, Romania, about 120 km. Vinçës east, in chains, tile, dated the year 5300 BC
In chains (Fig. 5) is written letter "P" and its near term "PDor" (or Pbor), which in Pelasgian / Albanian means "hand" or "snow". These plates contain the famous inscription, which some experts have expressed the opinion that these "Known Symbols Represent the earliest form of writing in the world", but some see as zhgaravina.
Similar inscriptions are encountered throughout the south-eastern Europe as in Greece (Dispilio tables), but also in Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and southern Ukraine. In the Dispilios inscription (fig. 5), dated 5300 BC, seem clear enough letters E, F, C, V, I, L in different positions, which are used in Pelasgian and Etruscan alphabets.
(Fig.5 fig. 6)

All Vinçës inscriptions, and Dispilios Tartarias show that writing with the letters of the alphabet is used Pelasgian-Tyrrhenian since the millennium BCE 6 in the Balkan region.
From the age of these articles are much older than writing piktografik Schumer (proto-Sumerian pictographic script) from Uruku of Baghdad, which until now was considered the oldest writing in the world, created around 3300 BC and the Egyptian alphabet, dated around 2900 BC
G. Katapano (1988) speaks of the ancient Pelasgian alphabet in Egypt from Egyptian hieroglyphics. They created Thoti, an Illyrian / Pelasgian Pelasgian language based. All Egyptian hieroglyphics explained by the letters of the alphabet based Pelasgian. Egyptian hieroglyphics dating Katapanl of 12,000 years BC, which is not compatible with archaeological data, which dates back 2900-2600 BC they

Pelasgian alphabet has continued during the Bronze Age, which confirmed the findings in Troy, Crete, Peloponnese etc. He appears in the writing of the Cretan Linear A and Linear B script Mikenës. Writing Linear B was interpreted wrong by Ventris and Kaduik Englishmen, though belonging to the Greek language.Working with this writing we find the written word Pelasgian, who find a full explanation in Albanian (PEZA L. & L.): on the left side of the expression is the golden rrasës: IZAIZ = ZIAZI, which means "BLACK BONE BLACK. "
Detection of expression IZAIZ ← → BLACK A BLACK = Black = Black bone two years ago constituted the most ancient document written Pelasgian language / Albanian (L. & L. 2009 PEZA as the 14 th century BC, but today the age of writingPelasgian language / Albanian confirmed several millennia old.

← Direction of reading
I I Z Z A = ← → A BLACK BLACK Black = Black bone
Fig. 5 - No stone. 7671, which belongs to the 14 century BC, where the read word Pelasgian
← Fig. 7

It is important to mention the inscription called Abecedari Marsiliana, 7th century BC, which ranks all Etruscan letters / Pelasgian. Pelasgians and Etruscans used bustrofedike form of writing, from the devil and left, as follows (fig. 8):

The whole region, where there was widespread culture of Vinçës, Tartar, Dispilios, Thessaly, Cakran, Maliq, Kamnikut etc.., Then the Balkan region and the Aegean during the Neolithic and the Bronze Age has been inhabited by tribes Pelasgian, which mentioned in Homer's epic, other authors ancient and confirmed by archaeological excavations. Italian and American archaeologists in the acropolis of Athens and other places in Attica thy have revealed similarities with the tools and Sesklo and Dimini settlements in Thessaly, known as Pelasgian, (Prokopiou & Smith, 1964). Also confirmed by the presence of Pelasgians in Mount Skourta archeology in Boeoti (French 1989-1990), on the Aegean island of Lemnit (ED Hefner 1927), in Micenean and Peloponnesus
(PEZA L. & L. 2009), etc.. Herodotus and other ancient authors say that the indigenous Pelasgians have inhabited the entire region of the Aegean and Mediterranean islands, before the arrival of Greeks around the 6th century BC
Inscriptions Dipylon (Athens), Cumae (of Corinth), Cup of Nestorius, dated 8-7 centuries BC and held up today as monuments of ancient Greek language text, was confirmed to have no connection with this language. Of this nature are also inscriptions of ancient Crete, dated to the late 7th early 6th century BC In these inscriptions have found just such Pelasgian / Albanian, which shows that they were written in Pelasgian. On the other hand the Greeks are not mentioned either in the "Iliad" and "Odysseus" of Homer, prepared over the years 750-700 BCThus it appears that the Greek tribes came in the Aegean region later in the early 6 th century BC and documents the oldest Greek and Troy Lemn etc.. not encountered before 5 th century BC
Detection of words Pelasgian / Albanian "come" and "DOR (or boron)" on Cranes-Tartar-Dispilio-Maliq-Cakran, 6th millennium BC, shows that this is the most ancient language written in the world with its abecedarin most ancient in the world. Pelasgian language, alphabet writing and its cultural core of civilization Pelasgians, ancient civilization of the west, parts of which are Minaik Cretan civilization, civilization of Troy, Mikenës civilization, civilization hit, etc. Etruscan civilization. Civilization since the Pelasgians appear gurmesmit, about 12,000 years BC